Quick update tonight. My weight stayed the same this week. Although judging by the quantities running out of my nose right now, I should be practically skeletal by next week.
Also, I tidied Kid-in-the-middle's bedroom for her this afternoon. OMG. You have never seen such a tip. She was moaning this morning that she didn't have any clean socks. I found about fourteen mismatched socks down the back of her bed. What does she do in there? I swear I'm getting CCTV. Or maybe I'm better off not knowing? Anyway, by the time I'd pulled all the furniture out, swept and mopped the floor, lugged bin bags of rubbish ("But I lurrrrrrrrve that bit of gravel. It was from granny's house. PLeeeeeeeeese let me keep this bag of broken buttons...."etc etc) and re-arranged the furniture again I ran out of energy for anything else.
I wonder what Rosemary Conley has to say about very stiff hot toddies?
Week 7, off to see some LOVEd ones
My LOVELY GM swapped my old monitor for a new one, a wide screen, I LOVE it
It was a week when LOVE was at the forefront, Valentine's day
Lyssa was ...
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