Wednesday, 17 September 2008

And the incentive today is....

The good news about having a streaming cold is that I'm not hungry. The bad news is, all I want to do is crawl back to bed.

Today, I have been volunteered to go and help up at the school with a numeracy session. I have no clue what this is going to involve. Hopefully, given that it is a bunch of five-year-olds we're talking about, nothing too mind-stretching. For a long time, maths was never my strong point, and I find it interesting that I have two children who from early on have seemed quite switched on to it. I can only sympathise with Kid-in-the-Middle who struggles. I can sympathise, but she still has to get on with it. Now in year 5 of primary school, I've resorted to paying her to learn her tables. She might not be able to tell me what seven times eight is equal to, but she understands the concept of cold hard cash!

I am toying with the idea of walking up to school. The only snag is that I don't really wish to be seen in public with paper hankies stuffed up my nose en route. I know, it's not a nice image is it? Sorry.

I know that walking is the right thing to do; it's exercise which can only be good, and given the increasingly steep rise in the cost of living, it's also free which is probably even more of a plus point. It might even make me feel better. But oh I don't want to!! Perhaps if someone gave me a pound when I reached the top of the hill? Actually, today, I don't think a pound is enough. Fifty quid and I'll get my boots on.
Today I'm wearing:
Brown linen trousers, size 18, bit baggy around the waist - yay!
Cream smock top, size 16 - doesn't make me look preggers anymore, yay!
Cream ribbed cardigan, size 12, vaguely working on the S&T principal.
Footwear....undecided. Funky crocs or green suede walking boots...will update later!

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