Cycling to nowhere for an hour yesterday has left me with decidedly creaky knees, so I decided that today would be a good day to give them a bit of a rest by doing a power walk around the village instead. Sometimes I wonder where I left my brain cell.
Anyway, not much time to ponder my own stupidity. Today we have two "firsts". Kid the Eldest announced some time back that he'd like to join Scouts. This is more of a big deal than it might at first appear because he's an anti-social little character (takes after his mother in that respect) and has actively resisted all previous attempts to get him to "join in" until now. We'll see how it goes. I'm quite excited for him, but a little nervous too. Will he do as he's told? Will he get jeered at for joining so late in the day? Will he love it? I guess we'll find out tonight.
The second "first" is that Kid-in-the-Middle is joining a band! All that huffing and puffing on the Horn seems to have paid off and she was told yesterday that she was ready to join a band in the town next to us. I'm delighted for her, because at one point she was all ready to quit and it took some persuading to make her keep at it. Now she's the best in her group. Atta girl!!
The only trouble with all this, is that it means I'm turning into one of those mothers I said I'd never doing activities every damn day of the week. I'm starting to feel exhausted thinking about it.
Monday = hockey club
Tuesday = social skills club
Wednesday = Rainbows, school band practice (recorder)
Thursday = Brownies, homework club, Scripture Union, horn lesson
Friday = Scouts, band practice (horn)
Saturday = Swimming
Sunday = Sunday School
My calendar has different colours for different people. Purple for me. Green for the Man I Married. Blue for Kids. It's a wash of blue, with a smattering of green and just the odd speck of purple drowning amongst everyone else's activities. My next car had better be a taxi.
Week 9, I LOVE that winter is now behind us for another year
Rounding off February with some statistics
February's target was 76.72 miles, I LOVE that I have made 1.64 miles
impact on January's shortfall.